In 1929, the Lord led William Dunn to plant a church named Maranatha Baptist Church in Mt. Clemens. The church stayed in that location for thirty years and three other men succeeded Pastor Dunn.
Pastor Joseph Carpenter led the church in 1959 to move to a six-acre property on Hall Road between Gratiot and Groesbeck, and the name of the church was changed to Macomb Baptist.
Under the guidance of Pastor James Major, a two-story classroom addition was constructed in 1965. Five men served as the pastor in the next twenty years, the longest of which was Keith Kaynor. He established many wonderful new aspects of the ministry. The people grew in their understanding and application of Scripture
and their fellowship with one another.
Having an extensive ministry background, Ron Wagner started as our pastor in 1989. He and his wife Lynda coordinated a major renovation of the entire building.
A characteristic of Pastor Wagner's ministry was an increased burden for missions. He instituted Faith Promise Missions Giving, personally visited many of our supported missionaries, and led several groups of church members on missions trips. Macomb Baptist Church grew numerically, in personal spiritual discipleship, and a variety of ministry opportunities.
This auditorium design served the people well for 30 years. Many church members contributed to the construction and care of the building. The Gospel was presented through a variety of ministry endeavors and people of all ages were added into the Kingdom.
Pastor and Mrs. Wagner coordinated a major renovation of the entire building. In the same spirit of teamwork as the original construction, members of the church gave countless hours of their time and effort in updating the overall look of the building.
Pastor Wagner retired in March of 2023, and the Lord called Ries Barlow to be our next pastor.
From 2018 to 2024, we were meeting in rented facilities.
In the spring of 2024 God provided a building we could purchase as our own! There is a long list of miracles the Lord performed on our behalf enabling us to begin meeting in the new facility on May 5, 2024.
Although we have experienced many changes since our inception, we have remained committed to learning and living the truth of God's unchanging Word.